All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 54 of 54 in total

Ep 24: More leads... or more profit?

It can be a great idea to get more leads if you want to get more revenue and profit. Sure. But it can be an even greater idea to generate more profit from the buyers y...

Ep 23: Listen to the signals

It's easy to fault the other person when they don't get it or they misunderstand you, but hold your horses:When your message doesn't land, it's on you to read the sign...

Ep 22: Assets and leverage: your client list

It's often a costly mistake to invest in growth, especially if you don't leverage your assets first. And your most valuable asset is your list of past buyers. There's ...

Ep 21: Create more sales by highlighting problem-cost

For a deeper dive and some handy questions to ask your buyer, go here:

Ep 20: How to handle the no

Hearing 'no' is usually the thing we fear most, but actually... if you handle it right, it can be a great opportunity...

Ep 19: Want rapport? Sell to shared values

More fun, more rapport, more sales, when you seek to engage with buyers who share values with you...

Ep 18: You won't get the deal if you don't get your buyer

Oh sure, you can pitch at people, and who knows... maybe you'll even get it right. But you can also ask questions that help you get your buyer, and guess what: then th...

Ep 17: Nice People don't get a hallpass

"Oh my buyers know where to find me, I don't want to be pushy". No, but then you're being a people-pleaser and that doesn't help anyone. You owe it to your buyers to h...

Ep 16: Sales for the pushy, and sales for nice people

The common misconception: you need to deliver a powerful pitch, so that your buyer will want to know more and buy from you. But if you don't ask questions, how will yo...

Ep 15: Selling as an act of service

Why wait until someone buys, to serve them? Why not make selling itself an act of service? Sign up for more daily thoughts like these at

Ep 14: "But it's impossible for nice people to be good at selling!"

Haha, actually no. Nice People have a massive advantage...

Ep 13: When a buyer can't decide, give the "Pay up or put up" message

Indecision is one of the most annoying things in business and sales. All those people who want your work, and need it... and yet, they just can't seem to make the deci...

Ep 12: Is this a now-problem, or a someday-problem?

You might have only a few deals to work on, but: if you're trying to move forward a deal where a buyer has no urgency, you're a) wasting your time, and b) making it le...

Ep 11: How to start a sales conversation

Yes it's nice to create rapport with people, but you easily end up in useless waffle. Besides, you buyer has a decision to make, so set the stage at the start, to ensu...

Ep 10: Mini-series: Sales for Nice People. Part 4: Profit

Because yeah, you should make a profit. How else are you going to keep serving your people into the future? How can you deliver quality, sustainably, if you don't make...

Ep 8: Mini-series: Sales for Nice People. Part 2: Explain

Explaining your offer: the part where you fall into pitching, hyping and persuading, a poof: gone is your deal.Download today's Useful Little Resource

Ep 7: Mini-series: Sales for Nice People. Part 1: Listen

Sales for Nice People is the ethical selling framework I developed so that ethical entrepreneurs sell more, no convincing or persuading required. This is Part 1 of a 4...

Ep 6: Nice guys need not apply (nice gals? same thing)

Yes of course, you want to be nice people. But being nice people isn't the same as being a nice guy or gal, and the difference is important. Listen to today's episode ...

Ep 5. Are you selling them a problem? (Mini-series Pt 3: Interaction-tax)

Your chances of winning the deal are inversely proportional to the degree of friction your buyer needs to deal with, dealing with you. Don't make your buyer pay intera...

Ep 4: Sell more because of your values, not despite them - what does that actually mean?

It's a nice intro-line, but... what actually does that mean? Sell more because of your values, not despite them?

Ep 3. Are you selling them a problem? (Mini-series Pt 2: Adoption cost)

How much is it going to take from your buyer, to get your solution implemented - what's the cost of adopting your work?

Ep 1. How to sell more and earn more by interrupting your buyer

Yes you need to listen, but if your buyer goes off on a tangent? Interrupt them. Episode 1 of Sales for Nice People - subscribe today!

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