All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 123 in total

Ep 123: Mini-training "The Empathy Edge" pt 2 - The big frustration

If your buyer isn't truly fed up with the problem they have, they're not very likely to buy your solution. So, ask them about their big frustration, ask them what "Eno...

Ep 122: Mini-training "The Empathy edge" Pt 1: Three fears

The features, the outcomes, the benefits: yes, sure. But what about the your buyers worries and fears and concerns? Doesn't it just suck, when they show up at the end ...

Ep 121: Mini-training The Empathy Edge, Pt. 0

They say 'You don't get the deal if you don't get the buyer', and that means you as a nice person can simply use empathy, to get a real good understanding of your buye...

Ep 120: Ask for 'No'

'No' is not the end of the world, and very often, it's the start of a new phase in your deal. ---Get a short and helpful daily email at

Ep 119: "How should I encourage people to buy?

Yeah but wait a minute. Is that really the best question to ask? And is that a leading question? No, and yes. ---Get a short daily email at

Ep 118: How 'putting a pebble in their shoe' means you don't ghosted so much

Ask the right questions, and you become part of the mental furniture, you get to participate in 'the conversation going on in your buyer's mind'. ---Get a short and he...

Ep 117: What matters most?

The more focused your conversation, the more helpful to both your buyer, and your sales process. So, ask questions that help your buyer focus, on what matters most to ...

Ep 116: Your proposals shouldn't do your selling

Sure, go ahead and try to write a proposal that's so good and compelling, it'll magically convince all the stakeholders that it's a yess, let me know if that will sell...

Ep 115: Get off the cross, we need the wood

You're not a martyr, and it serves nobody to behave like one. ---Get yourself a helpful daily email over at

Ep 114: How to make enemies and alienate people

Yeah no, if you just start throwing a pitch at people, they're not really going to want to listen to you. ---Get a short daily email at

Ep 113: How to create urgency for your offer... Ethically

You'd think that as an ethical entrepreneur, it's not possible to create urgency. And no, you shouldn't use scuzzy tactics like fake deadlines or limited stock. But yo...

Ep 112: Help your buyer bring out the best in themselves

You know how you're in a good relationship, when the other person brings out the best in you?That's how nice people get to make selling easier. 

You get to help your ...

Ep 111: Mine your network for opportunities

Especially those people that you've not spoken with in a while. Go talk to those people!For the full workflow Mine Your Network for Opportunities, visit martinstellar....

Ep 110: Why automated lead gen might be the worst thing you could do for your business

Oh sure, the idea of getting appointments booked into your calendar automatically is mighty enticing. But are you sure it's a good idea...? 🤔===Get a short and helpful...

Ep 109 - Why nobody cares about your better mousetrap

What your buyer cares about is their mouse problem. So talk to them about that. ===If your 'mouse problem' is "can't get enough buyers to turn into clients", then a sh...

Ep 108 - Don't check in with your buyers!

If you want your buyer to reply to your followup, ask them a question, make them think: make the act of replying to you something helpful.---To get a short and helpful...

Ep 107: Why some deals should be taken off the table

You know I don't know how much time you have in your day, but for me, life's too short to chase buyers or to be on the hook in somebody's bidding war. ---Get a short a...

Ep 106: Do you actually need a CRM? And, what's the best one?

Two simple questions, two simple answers. ---If you're nice people and you want to sell more without going against your values, get a short daily email to help you wit...

Ep 105: Three ways for nice people to set a next step with your buyers

If the conversation stalls, so does the deal. But you don't want to look needy or pushy, so how do you set a next step? How do you get a new conversation with your buy...

Ep 104: The truth about the oldest profession in the world

What? No, not that oldest profession. Sheesh, where's your mind 🙄---Get a short and helpful daily email if you sign up at

Ep 103: How to not imprison your buyers

Of course you don't imprison people, right? Well actually, when you try to convince and persuade, you kinda are. ---Get a short and helpful daily email by signing up a...

Ep 102 - Don't subsidise your buyer's business!

If you spend too much time on the sales process, having one free session after another, you're basically subsidising your buyer's business. Today's episode gives you a...

Ep 101 - To get more, say less

When you want more sales, you need to be more ears and less mouth. ---Sign up for a short and helpful daily email at

Ep 100: Strategic generosity vs acting like a charity

And you're not a charity. Are you?---Get a short daily email at

Ep 99: Why you need to get the four levels of permission when selling

If you try to sell without permission, you're basically trying to coerce, and why would you do that? Instead, ask for permission, and you'll find it much easier to get...

EP 98: Yes I mean it: stop solving problems

"But Martin, you fool, solving problems is why I'm in business!"Good, good. I like you already. But you'll solve a lot more problems for people if you're very very car...

Ep 97: Why do people give you money?

Oh, you found the answer to the question - aka your USP - internally, with focus group meetings?Might want to stop and think, before pushing forward your advertising o...

Ep 96: Stop trying to 'close the sale'

Want to get the bigger picture on how to get people to buy? Get Sales for Nice People, the book:Https://

Ep 95: Sell to people like me???

Because hey, I like to spend good money on quality services, and I promise you that I'm not unique. Meanwhile, if you want to learn Sales for Nice People, get the book...

Ep 94: "Being in love with your product makes selling effortless!"

Haha, no it doesn't. What it does do though, is turn you into a self-involved nuisance your buyers want to run away from. But, you know, you do you.---Get a short dail...

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