All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 52 in total

Ep 52: How high-integrity entrepreneurs make followup easier

It's such a waste, when you spend time and money generating leads and opportunities, and then because you don't follow up, you lose a deal. At the same time, you don't...

Ep 51: Does it make sense to get Sales for Nice People if you don't have a lot of leads in the pipeline?

Of course if you get a sales training for converting more buyers, you need leads. But what if you don't have those leads? Then what?The answer might surprise you, as m...

Ep 50: Beware the Explain-trap 😱

Of course you need to explain how your work works, but... make sure you don't do that too soon, because you'll almost certainly lose the deal. --- To get a short daily...

Ep 49: How to remove the awkwardness of selling

You aren't the only one who might feel tense or awkward about the sale - very often, your buyer also has their concerns and and awkwardness: "Are we going to be strong...

Ep 48: Why you need to define your client-filters

Yes it's nice when a client has a budget and a need, but is that enough? Are there not criteria that you should have, that qualify or disqualify a buyer?

Ep 47 - I've found my nemesis, it's automated lead gen practices (aka spam at scale)

I'm not complaining though - I now know what my business' nemesis is, and I'm grateful for the inspiration. So yeah, keep them coming! 😄And get yourself a daily helpfu...

Ep 46: Make it easy to buy, get The Empathy Edge

Send me an email at if you too want to get The Empathy Edge

Ep 45: A rant about deceitful lead generation practices

White lies, deceit, bait & switch: unethical business practices are rampant. And wrong. And weak. Ethical entrepreneurs don't operate like that. And to learn every day...

Ep 44: Why people don't see what you're trying to tell them, and what to do about it

If you've ever felt frustrated that someone didn't get the point, didn't see what you're trying to tell them, no matter how much you're trying to help them, you need t...

Ep 43: "I wish I didn't have to sell my work!"

I can relate, because if to you selling represent pushing people into buying, then yeah, it's a drag and a slog. Instead, apply the tips in today's episode, and everyt...

Ep 42: Ethical selling is wanting something for people, not from people

It's easy to be conflicted and feel awkward about selling, if you're a person of integrity. If that's you, then remember that ethical selling isn't about wanting somet...

Ep 41: Selling mental real estate? Then someone's got to pay the rent, and it ain't you

Most coaches and consultants get it the wrong way round, making their work cheaper the longer the and more intense a client engagement gets. Today's episode flips the ...

Ep 40: How ethical entrepreneurs can sell more while keeping their values intact

All those scuzzy and pushy tactics, the stereotypical notions about selling? You can safely ignore and reject them, and do what nice people do: help a buyer make the r...

Ep 39: The missing 🔗 between your expertise, and making an impact

Being great at making your clients' life better is great... but you can only do that if you manage to turn buyers into clients. And for that, you need to develop the m...

Ep 38: The three must-have components of asking for referrals

Most business owners leave money on the table, not asking for referrals from the network that they spent years or decades building up. Those who do ask often give up, ...

Ep 37: "Selling is binary", say the gurus. And they're wrong.

It's a pretty limited way of thinking, when you consider sale/no sale the only two outcomes. ---Get a short and helpful daily email at

Ep 36: Deployed Strategic Empathy

All the pitches in the world will never be as accurate and compelling as that what your buyer wants you to say. So, instead of trying to convince and persuade, smart p...

Ep 35: Never convince, never persuade

If you've ever tried convincing people of something, you'll probably have found that it isn't that easy, and usually fruitless. Here's some thoughts on what to do inst...

Ep 34: Get the money out of your list

How often do you email your subscribers? If you're like most business owners, the answer is "Now and then" or "Whenever we have a promo". If that's the case, you're bu...

Ep 33: You paid how much??? And you're just letting it go to waste...???

Look, generating opportunities has a cost. And if you all you do is generate new ones without ever looking at what's there among your lost deals, you're leaving money ...

Ep 32: Why yes, obviously you should just build without a foundation

Believe it or not, building without a foundation is how lots of ventures get built... and who'd have thought? It's also how lots of ventures crash and burn. ---To get ...

Ep 31: Get your leads for nothing and your sales for free 🎶

Your ad budget? You can keep it. SEO? You don't need it. Cold-calling? Not yet. Spamming people hell no. So, then what? Three simple steps, leads for free. ---To get a...

Ep 30: Precise messaging: a fast 'hack' to get more leads and sales

If your messaging isn't precise and specific, your buyer will hear waffle and they won't buy. And these 2 minutes tell you how to change that and get you more opportun...

Ep 29: Assets, levers, and leverage

Go on, keep creating more assets. I'll be in my room looking for ways to leverage assets, because leverage is how you create returns from your assets.  ---For a short ...

Ep 28: How to make it easy to buy

More leads, more ads, more content, more appointments... people get themselves all tangled up, trying to get more sales. But what if you just make it easy for people t...

Ep 27: The identity-piece, aka how to reduce the cost of acquiring clients

Needs, budget and urgency are required for a sale to happen, but if you don't include the identity piece when selecting buyers, your cost of acquisition is way higher ...

Ep 26: How to get a return on all the time and money you've invested over the years

My crystal ball says that you've amassed massive amounts of assets over the years... and that you could reap rich rewards, if you were to leverage them...Sign up for a...

Ep 25: What to do when you "know how to sell, once you're in the room"

It's common - I used to say that, and maybe you do as well. But, how do you get into the room? Get the free Hidden Sales Levers checklist here: https://martinstellar.c...

Ep 24: More leads... or more profit?

It can be a great idea to get more leads if you want to get more revenue and profit. Sure. But it can be an even greater idea to generate more profit from the buyers y...

Ep 23: Listen to the signals

It's easy to fault the other person when they don't get it or they misunderstand you, but hold your horses:When your message doesn't land, it's on you to read the sign...

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