Welcome to Sales for Nice People!

Latest Episodes

Ep 46: Make it easy to buy, get The Empathy Edge

Send me an email at empathy@martinstellar.com if you too want to get The Empathy Edge

Ep 45: A rant about deceitful lead generation practices

White lies, deceit, bait & switch: unethical business practices are rampant. And wrong. And weak. Ethical entrepreneurs don't operate like that. And to learn every day...

Ep 44: Why people don't see what you're trying to tell them, and what to do about it

If you've ever felt frustrated that someone didn't get the point, didn't see what you're trying to tell them, no matter how much you're trying to help them, you need t...

Ep 43: "I wish I didn't have to sell my work!"

I can relate, because if to you selling represent pushing people into buying, then yeah, it's a drag and a slog. Instead, apply the tips in today's episode, and everyt...

Ep 42: Ethical selling is wanting something for people, not from people

It's easy to be conflicted and feel awkward about selling, if you're a person of integrity. If that's you, then remember that ethical selling isn't about wanting somet...

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